Thanks to its abundant human and natural resources, the Sahel region offers great potential for development. However, the Sahel is also marked by high inequality and a lack of opportunities, especially for women and youth. These challenges continue to exacerbate the structural conditions of impoverishment and violence.
The Foundation therefore aims to support communities in the peripheral and disadvantaged regions of the G5 Sahel countries to harness the region's potential and create economic opportunities as well as to promote peace and social cohesion.
We do this by focusing our activities on targeted regions where our multi-dimensional approach will achieve sustainable social, economic and political improvements.

Grant program
The Foundation works with national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that strive to build the capacity of local communities in the Sahel region and promote peace, social cohesion, and prosperity.
The Facility organizes one or more calls for proposals per year, each covering a specific region within the Sahel countries. On the basis of a sophisticated review process, one consortium of NGOs per region is selected and receives funding over a period of up to six years.
The main focus of the grant programs is on local infrastructures that will improve livelihoods and leverage socio-economic potential as well as job creation in the intervention areas. While the projects must be in line with local development plans, the choice of the infrastructures to be implemented is made through a participatory and inclusive process with broad participation of the population and the relevant authorities. Funding is thus not provided on the basis of a pre-defined plan, but in an agile way to reflect the needs of the locals communities.
Please see the French version of the site for more details as to sites and partners of the foundation’s grant program.
The foundation has a two-level governance structure: While the Executive Board is responsible for the management of the Facility, the Supervisory Board sets the strategy for the foundation and oversees its implementation.
An Advisory Board, composed of experts from the region, advises the Executive Board and Supervisory Board and ensures that the foundation’s activities reflect the needs and possibilities of the region.
Please see the French version of the site for more details as to the members of the Boards.
The ambition of the foundation is to bring added value to the Sahel region. Having developed an approach well adapted to the reality of the region, we gladly put our structures and skills at the disposal of donors who are looking for an efficient partner to facilitate their funding.
As an independent foundation, we …
- are rooted in the region.
- take decisions in an agile way.
- have strong non-profit grantees.
- believe in participatory approaches.
- provide long-term and flexible funding.
- ensure a close monitoring of our grants.
- are very well connected.
If you have any questions regarding the Foundation, please contact us in French, English or German at
info [at] facilite-g5sahel.org (info[at]facilite-sahel[dot]org)